Machine Gun Kelly

Tidigare i höst släppte Machine Gun Kelly sitt andra album General Admission och ingen har väl missat att Cleveland-rapparen gästar Musikens Hus ikväll. MGK utlovar både loud music och mosh pits – dessutom är han hungrig.

Hi! How are you?
– Haven’t slept in days. I’m tired as fuck, but my adrenaline from the shows is still running through me.

Adrenaline is a lifesaver. Could you talk me through the stages of the production of General Admission?
– It was a three year process. Bad Mother Fucker for example took two years to complete. The first year it was just a demo version of the beat and a rough skeleton of the chorus that me and my homie JP were making in my living room. We trashed it but then Kid Rock got on it last minute, and when I heard his voice on there it inspired me to write and record my verses on the spot. But then other songs, Spotlight, Merry Go Round we completed from scratch in one day. One of us would pick up the guitar and start jamming, or someone would be playing the proper chords on the piano and my pen just started writing.

You told MTV: “It’s gonna sound like Cleveland. It’s gonna sound like hunger.” Tell me more about the hunger!
– Before I started working on General Admission, my hunger to compete with other artists was taking over my hunger to continue learning my craft; thats NOT a good thing. Once I became a student of the game in my head again, and was open to learning more and more about music and different ways to express it, I was on the right track. I keep that hunger with me everyday now.

What is the difference between MGK live and MGK on record?
– Huge difference. I don’t know how to explain it, you just have to experience it for yourself.

Cool. What are you thinking about the most right now?
– Doing a live album, and completing the documentary for General Admission. I feel like it will answer all of these questions via video. The camera was always on.

Finish the sentence: At my gig in Gothenburg there will be a lot ______ but not so much ______.
– There will be a lot of loud music, drinking, mosh pits and weed smoke but not so much sorbriety or sleep.