Jag var här först – Gary Whitaker

Folkteaterns nya pjäs Jag var här först utspelar sig i en änglabutik i Lilla Edet, och vill ifrågasätta våra förutfattade meningar. Vi bad regissören Gary Whitaker att berätta lite mer.

Hi Gary! How are you?
– I’m very well thank you, and really looking forward to the premiere next week.

You usually work at GEST, Gothenburg English Studio Theatre?
– That’s right. I’m a co founder/co Artistic director of GEST, together with my wife Kristina. We bring the best and newest plays in the English language to Sweden and employ professional actors and directors from the UK to come to Gothenburg and work with us.

Did you always know you wanted to do this for a living?
– Since the age of ten!  I’ve been working in  professional theatre for 32 years now. I’ve mainly worked as an actor and ten years ago moved into directing as well. I’ve been very fortunate to work with some of the finest directors in the UK and really enjoy being able to pass on some of what I’ve learned.

Tell us about the new play at Folkteatern, Jag var här först!
Jag var här först is part of a trilogy of plays by Kristian Hallberg that go under the title Roadtrip i regionen. The play centers around Elizabeth, who runs an angel boutique in Lilla Edet and Samanta, her new employee. Everything is going fine and their work relationship is very positive until a vicious rumour threatens to destroy one of them and their relationship. Does it? Well you’ll just have to come and see!

Foto: Lina Ikse

Foto: Lina Ikse

What are the most important themes in it?
– The play deals with really important themes such as loyalty, the need to belong, forgiveness and  redemption and makes us look at ourselves and question our own prejudices and preconceptions.

There is a connection to the exhibition Vi är romer?
– That’s right. Kristian followed the exhibition as it toured around Västra Götaland and got his inspiration for this play from Sylvanna Gustafsson, one of the people whose story is in the book Vi är romer.

What has been the greatest challenge in working with this production?
– Getting one of the angels in the shop to fly!

What feeling or thought do you want the audience to leave the theatre with?
– I hope they will leave the theatre with lots of questions, both about themselves and the society we live in.

After Jag var här först, what’s up next for you?
– In late February I start directing The Events by David Greig for GEST. Another  powerful play with two actors and also a live choir of 20–30 people. I feel so lucky to be working on two great plays by two writers at the top of their game!

Thanks for the interview, and good luck with the premiere!
– Thank you. Please come and see it.

”Jag var här först” har premiär på Folkteatern 27 januari och spelas till och med 5 mars.