Hayden James

Sydneysonen Hayden James reser Europa runt i sommar, och imorgon är det Way Out West-publikens tur att dansa till hans tropiska housetoner. För Djungeltrumman berättade han om Ibiza, instrument och uppblåsbara igloos!

Hi Hayden! How are you?
– Hey, I’m great thanks. I’m hanging out in Ibiza between shows on my tour.

Have you always been into music?
– Yeah, since I was about ten years old I’ve been learning a bunch of instruments and listening to a whole lot of music.

 When did you start making your own?
– I started making music a few years ago. I was a local dj in Sydney for a while and I just had the itch to try and start making my own music. It really helped that I played a range of instruments to start the process.

What’s the weirdest/funniest thing that happened during a show?
– Once I was DJing in an inflatable igloo and half way through my set it started to deflate … I kept playing, but eventually we all had to run out of there pretty quickly!

Haha, sounds scary …. Besides Hayden James, what artist/band should we make sure to check out right now?
– I’m really liking the new George Fitzgerald and Maribou State records. The new Disclosure tracks are great too!

Now it’s soon time for Way Out West in Gothenburg – what are your best festival hacks?
– Yeah I can’t wait!! Hmmm that’s tough … No real hacks, but being related to deadmau5 always seems to help 😉

Your image of Sweden in three words?
– Lush, friendly, meatballs.

Right now you’re out touring Europe, what are your plans after that?
– After my European tour I’m headed back to Australia to play a festival around the country called Listen Out, then I head back to the USA in October for a run of shows before the Mad decent Boat party!