Jaakko Eino Kalevi

Jaako Eino Kalevi är Musikscandinaviens nya fav, hans drömmande och psykedeliska indietoner förtrollar publikhav. Ikväll är det dags för Pustervik en andra omgång på kort tid – denna gång som huvudakt.

Jaakko Eino Kalevi! How are you doing?
– Well thank you! Last night’s show in Stockholm was great and we are now in Norrköping which seems nice.

On Friday you’ll be playing at Pustervik again, you played there in september as well but then as support – how does it feel to be on stage again but this time as the main act?
– It’s funny, we were touring europe last month supporting Unknown Mortal Orchestra and now we are doing almost the same round again. Partly even the same venues. It’s nice to play in familiar stages.

For someone who don’t know who you are… who are you?
– I am Jaakko the music man.

Describe your music!
– It is alternative yet little bit indie too.

How does one dance to your music?
– I would recommend shaking shoulders and waving hands. Twerking is good too.

You released your album this year, but can we expect something new from you in the near future? Maybe? Please?
– We have been working on a secret cover song with a norwegian artist Farao. Hopefully it will come out soon.

What do you think about Swedish music compared to Finnish?
– Maybe poppier. Finnish music is often too heavy.

What would you like to say to the world, now that you’ve got the chance?
– I would wish luck to everyone and encourage people to do things that lead to their real destiny.