Jedi Mind Tricks

Imorgon kommer en rejäl bit hiphophistoria till Trädgår’n – i form av Jedi Mind Tricks, Non Phixion och Snowgoons. Vi slängde iväg några frågor till JMT:s Vinnie Paz.

You started your European tour about a week ago, what’s been the best experience so far? And the weirdest one?
– The best experience is playing the shows and meeting our fans. We haven’t had any weird experiences, but the worst experience is the actual travel. That’s my least favourite part of touring.

I can totally see that. This summer you released The Thief and the Fallen. How would you describe the album compared to what JMT did before?
– Each album is it’s own thing, and captures the period of life that we’re living at the time we’re making it. We think this album is more musical and more evolved than some of our earlier albums. We started out 20 plus years ago when we were kids, so we’ve learned a lot along the way – about everything from production and recording techniques to general life lessons.

”We’re inspired by the art of metal, punk, hardcore, horror films …”


Who did the artwork? It doesn’t really look like your standard hip hop album?
– An artist from the Philly area named Andrew Haines. From our first album (The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness) on, we’ve put a lot of effort into our artwork. We’re inspired by the art of metal, punk, hardcore, horror films … so we try to incorporate those influences in what we do – from album art to the music we make.

Alright. Besides Jedi Mind Tricks, what music should we make sure to check out right now?
– The new Slayer album.

What’s the best mind trick for Halloween?
– Jedi Mind Tricks and Non Phixion at Trädgår’n!

Ok! What are your plans once the tour is finished?
– Sleep. And then get back into the studio to continue work on my next solo album.

Thanks for the interview, and good luck on Saturday!
– Thanks.