Joshua Radin

Om du inte känner dig bekant med namnet så känner du kanske igen Joshua Radins stämma – från Scrubs och One Tree Hill. På onsdag besöker singersongwritern Trädgår’n för andra gången, och utlovar dessutom att det kommer bli ännu mer intimate än sist.
Hi Joshua! How are you?

– I’m great, tack så mycket!

Varsågod! You know Swedish!
– I don’t know much Swedish, unfortunately. But the few words I know I’ll try to use at the show in Gothenburg …

How would you describe a good song?
– A good song either makes you feel or makes you dance. I try for the former.

I bet people often talk tv-soundtracks with you, but what series are you watching?
– I just watched ”Better call Saul” and I loved it.

You visited Trädgår’n just over two years ago, for people who saw you then, what will be different?
– Well I have stripped the band down a bit so it will be even more intimate.

And what will be the same?
– I will still tell stories that are very personal and I’ll try to make myself as vulnerable as possible.

Looking forward to that, welcome back!
– Thank you so much! I can’t wait to return!!

Hanna Rasmuson